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More than 100 ice cream recipes without a mixer and without a machine, delicious recipes

Esta página foi vista 22 vezes desde 05/04/2024

Por: Jideon F Marques


Welcome, extreme ice cream lovers. You clearly are a breed apart if you are willing to make ice cream yourself. Congratulations on finding not only this quick-and-easy ice cream method—without an ice cream machine—but dozens and dozens of easy, impressive, satisfying dessert ideas. Here you will learn about flavor compatibility, plate presentations, food history, and nifty tricks of the trade.

Sure, sometimes it is enough to just buy something at the store ready-made—something we all do from time to time. There is no shame in that. But there are times when it is not enough to simply provide a dessert. If you are truly interested in food as a means of expressing love, appreciation, and art, then you will enjoy the following pages. Yes, it is darn easy. Crazy easy. But it is also so good that no one needs to ever know just how easy it was.

If you are interested in dessert, flavor, and creativity, you are in the right place.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 50,00

Tema: Métodos, Faça Você Mesmo, Culinária, Casa E Lar Palavras-chave: at, banana, best, chocolate, cream, easy, home, homemade, how, ice, make, oreo, quick, recipe, recipes, simple, strawberry, to, vanilla

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